

We Democratize Consumer

Mindspeller’s platform represents a significant advancement in the field of neuromarketing research. By leveraging spontaneous association surveys and sophisticated semantic analysis techniques, we offer unparalleled insights into the cognitive and emotional underpinnings of consumer behavior. Our scientifically grounded approach ensures that you gain the most accurate and actionable data to drive your marketing strategies and research initiatives.

The Science
behind Mindspeller

Spun off from Europe’s most innovative university neuroscience lab, Mindspeller leverages a unique platform grounded in free association semantic network theory, surpassing traditional text scraping methods in capturing nuanced human semantic associations. This approach, validated with a medical grade EEG paradigm, effectively models memory recall, providing deeper insights and precise predictions for exploring human cognitive processes and semantics.

The platform, representing the largest human association-based Implicit Association Testing tool currently available on the market, is designed to enhance your marketing communication intuitions.


Discover Subconscious Connections with Implicit Association Testing

Mindspeller’s platform leverages implicit association testing (IAT) to explore the subconscious connections between marketing concepts. Utilizing spontaneous association surveys, Mindspeller captures human cognitive associations, providing deep insights into automatic associations and implicit biases without the constraints of forced-choice surveys. This method uncovers the true strength of mental representations, enhancing our understanding of consumer behavior and preferences.

Unlocking the Mind: Superior Semantic Association Networks

Mindspeller’s cutting-edge platform utilizes the Word Space technique, based on extensive free text association surveys, to create detailed semantic networks that accurately reflect the nuanced relationships between marketing concepts in the human mind. Unlike traditional methods like Large Language Models (LLM) or Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Mindspeller’s approach, validated by weekly surveys, significantly enhances brand recall predictions by up to 30%. By quantifying semantic distances correlated with N400 ERP EEG metrics, we provide precise insights into consumer memory and preferences, revolutionizing the understanding of how marketing concepts are interconnected.

semantic network

Advantages of Mindspeller’s Approach

Using a semantic association network to test concepts across different cultures involves testing concepts that are culturally neutral and then analyzing responses to identify patterns of association unique to each culture. By comparing how individuals from different cultural backgrounds associate concepts, we can uncover culturally specific cognitive patterns and associations. This can provide insights into cultural differences in perception, cognition, and social constructs.

Combining free association probabilities and advanced semantic analysis techniques allows for a comprehensive understanding of preexisting strength between word pairs. This multi-faceted approach is more effective in predicting recall and comprehension of marketing concepts.

Mindspeller’s use of the Word Space technique ensures that the semantic spaces are not only accurate but also capable of capturing the subtle nuances of language and thought. This results in richer and more actionable insights for marketing and research purposes.

By aligning our metrics with the N400 ERP, we ensure that our measures are grounded in established cognitive neuroscience, providing a reliable indicator of semantic processing and cognitive load.

Discover Mindspeller’s Implicit Associations Testing (IAT) platform – the sweet spot of precision, dependability, and cost-effectiveness. Our IAT stands out as a non-invasive, reliable, and scalable neuromarketing research tool that reveals the core of customer perception through associative strength.

Experience the precision of top-notch EEG technology without the hefty price tag usually associated with traditional neuromarketing research.


Mindspeller neurometrics assist marketers in unraveling the essence of their brand and enhancing their brand value by tapping into the intuitive, bias-driven “system 1” mindset of consumers, which automatically influences 95% of brand choices.

Inner speech

Leveraging Mindspeller’s semantic network, our MedTech spin-off, MindSpeaker, is restoring natural communication for paralyzed patients suffering from a speech disorder.


Crash Course Neuromarketing AI

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and how you can use Mindspeller to gain a competitive advantage.


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