
A Marketer’s Guide to Implicit Associations

The Power of the Subconscious in Marketing   Implicit Association Testing (“IAT”) is relatively new in marketing research. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines “implicit” as “capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed” or “present but not consciously held or recognized.” Subconscious, in other words. The term “subconscious,” however, evokes a sense of mystery, existing beyond… Continue reading A Marketer’s Guide to Implicit Associations

Helping Marketers Get into Customers’ Minds

Mindspeller enables both new and incumbent brands to access the world’s largest interactive brand association mind map validated with Professor Van Hulle’s Brain Computer-Interface”

Explore consumers’ unconscious triggers

Everyday, our senses are bombarded with all sorts of stimuli. Most of the time, we are not conscious of the impact that they have on our explicit opinion – including those that we form about brands and campaigns. Companies must then find a way to influence their customers’ initial spontaneous reactions by going beyond what… Continue reading Explore consumers’ unconscious triggers

How spontaneous associations can help validate creative decisions

https://youtu.be/C3eFPwUEfgkYour intuition can tell you that certain concepts are more related to each other than others – but what if you could quantify those meaningful relationships to validate creative decisions?   This is not some futuristic notion. Thanks to our vast network of spontaneous associations, Mindspeller can help you evaluate how well specific words, images,… Continue reading How spontaneous associations can help validate creative decisions

THE CROWN exemplifies how your choice of words matters. 

We know that our choice of words can have a tangible impact in the world. The fourth season of Netflix’s critically-acclaimed The Crown shows us that it can even tip the balance between trade war and peace.   In Episode 8, 48:1, we see Queen Elizabeth and her entourage rejoice at succeeding to convince the… Continue reading THE CROWN exemplifies how your choice of words matters. 

Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCIs) to trigger paradigm shift in DIY consumer neuroscience?

  Recently Elon Musk’s NeuraLink unveiled the next step in its Brain Computer Interface (BCI) research. The application potential of BCIs on marketing cannot be understated. Being able to measure human brain reactions to marketing stimuli can reveal insights, previously inaccessible because of respondents’ unwillingness or inability to articulate subconscious associations.   However, using BCIs… Continue reading Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCIs) to trigger paradigm shift in DIY consumer neuroscience?

Replicating Stella Artois’ brand strategy using big human data

Mindspeller was founded in Leuven (Belgium), the beer capital of the world. We chose Stella Artois, an internationally renowned beer brand, for creating a showcase that demonstrates our methodology and how the Mindspeller AI works. Assumption A few years ago, Stella Artois rebranded its premium lager. When creating this showcase, we assumed that the brand… Continue reading Replicating Stella Artois’ brand strategy using big human data

Dog fooding: logo A/B testing

At Mindspeller we decided to eat our own dogfood and settle an emotional discussion within the management team regarding the selection of a new company logo. Let’s take a look at the original logo one of the founders had created. The new logo designer suggested modernizing the logo and came up with the following new logo.… Continue reading Dog fooding: logo A/B testing

Can mindspeller’s copy optimizer save lives?

Last month, BBC Future published an article titled “The simple words that save lives.” The article illustrates the impact your choice of words can have when the stakes are high. Police negotiation tactics When dealing with people in crisis, for example, police negotiators often try to keep their subjects talking. In doing so, they noticed… Continue reading Can mindspeller’s copy optimizer save lives?