
Crafting Hallmark Brands: How to Transform Your Brand into Natural Language

Have you ever wondered why certain brands effortlessly embody a category, seamlessly weaving themselves into everyday conversations, while others struggle to make a lasting impression? Let’s explore this phenomenon through the lens of brand associations and emotions. Consider the following scenarios: Version A: Generic Categories “Every morning, I get up, slip into my sneakers and… Continue reading Crafting Hallmark Brands: How to Transform Your Brand into Natural Language

What’s your brand’s Matterhorn?

Swiss rules mean chocolate bar to drop Matterhorn from packaging (source: BBC).

(Re)Branding P’s and C’s: How to use AI to Create a Brand Story that Resonates

shared customer passion

DISCLOSURE NOTICE: this article features AI generated content I. Introduction A. Definition of a Brand Story Humans have been telling stories since the dawn of time. It appears that we are genetically endowed with a need to share our passions, experiences and fascinations through storytelling. A brand story is a narrative that explains the passions,… Continue reading (Re)Branding P’s and C’s: How to use AI to Create a Brand Story that Resonates

Categorized as Brand talk

Boil Agency leverages Mindspeller’s neuro AI

Guaranteeing authentic stories that go to the heart of a brand   Antwerp, Belgium — 15 December 2021– Seasoned brand strategists Philippe De Puydt and Jordy Van de Locht embrace the state-of-the-art in consumer neuroscience AI technology to launch their new brand agency, Boil Agency.   Designed to “boil down” brand stories that allow to… Continue reading Boil Agency leverages Mindspeller’s neuro AI

Categorized as Brand talk

What does it take to build a strong brand?

A brand isn’t just a clever slogan or a beautiful logo – it’s all the things that we associate with it in our minds. But establishing memorable and meaningful associations with your brand is a long-term process. You need to send the right implicit signals in a consistent manner to create a narrative that immediately… Continue reading What does it take to build a strong brand?

Categorized as Brand talk

What really influences decision-making? Comparing FedEx vs UPS

According to a July 2021 post by e-marketer.com, e-commerce is well on track to surpass 20% of total retail by 2024. That’s good news for the package delivery industry dominated by companies such as FedEx and UPS who can use their established worldwide logistics network to their maximum advantage. But imagine you’re presented with the… Continue reading What really influences decision-making? Comparing FedEx vs UPS

Categorized as Brand talk

Using language to shape brand perception

Mindspeller aims to connect brands more strongly with their audience. Language use plays a big part in it.    Language permeates almost everything that we do, and it’s a social endeavor. We learned our mother tongues by interacting with people, observing how they used language, and instinctively drawing our own conclusions from it. All throughout… Continue reading Using language to shape brand perception

Using brand associations to beat the competition: the case of UEFA Euro sponsor Heineken

A screenshot of Heineken's homepage depicting their Enjoy the Rivalry campaign.

This year’s UEFA Euro is well underway, and national rivalries are at their peak. Official sponsor Heineken encourages supporters to ‘enjoy’ it in their latest campaign. But how would Heineken itself fare in a stand-off against one of its most important competitors, Stella Artois? Spontaneous associations will clue us in.   Using the right associations… Continue reading Using brand associations to beat the competition: the case of UEFA Euro sponsor Heineken

Implicit brand signals

Humans are rational animals, but that doesn’t mean that all our decisions (including deciding what to buy) are logical. We are influenced by all sorts of signals that we may or may not be aware of. They also evoke certain associations in our mind, which we can’t control. Accounting for implicit associations gives you a… Continue reading Implicit brand signals

Replicating Stella Artois’ brand strategy using big human data

Mindspeller was founded in Leuven (Belgium), the beer capital of the world. We chose Stella Artois, an internationally renowned beer brand, for creating a showcase that demonstrates our methodology and how the Mindspeller AI works. Assumption A few years ago, Stella Artois rebranded its premium lager. When creating this showcase, we assumed that the brand… Continue reading Replicating Stella Artois’ brand strategy using big human data