
What does it take to build a strong brand?

A brand isn’t just a clever slogan or a beautiful logo – it’s all the things that we associate with it in our minds. But establishing memorable and meaningful associations with your brand is a long-term process. You need to send the right implicit signals in a consistent manner to create a narrative that immediately… Continue reading What does it take to build a strong brand?

Categorized as Brand talk

What a Friends episode can teach you about what consumers really want

Friends is my go-to comfort TV show (did you see this year’s reunion episode?), and I’m almost done with season 5 on my most recent rewatch. I’d forgotten all about the word association game they play on episode 22. Remember, Joey wants Phoebe to help him decide which route he should take to Las Vegas… Continue reading What a Friends episode can teach you about what consumers really want

Using language to shape brand perception

Mindspeller aims to connect brands more strongly with their audience. Language use plays a big part in it.    Language permeates almost everything that we do, and it’s a social endeavor. We learned our mother tongues by interacting with people, observing how they used language, and instinctively drawing our own conclusions from it. All throughout… Continue reading Using language to shape brand perception

Using brand associations to beat the competition: the case of UEFA Euro sponsor Heineken

A screenshot of Heineken's homepage depicting their Enjoy the Rivalry campaign.

This year’s UEFA Euro is well underway, and national rivalries are at their peak. Official sponsor Heineken encourages supporters to ‘enjoy’ it in their latest campaign. But how would Heineken itself fare in a stand-off against one of its most important competitors, Stella Artois? Spontaneous associations will clue us in.   Using the right associations… Continue reading Using brand associations to beat the competition: the case of UEFA Euro sponsor Heineken

Moving beyond functionality to stand out

Say your daughter’s birthday is coming up. She’s a budding photographer, and you’re thinking of surprising her with a new camera. You don’t know much about photography; you just think she’d appreciate something practical but versatile to take on her next trip.   Now say Canon and Sony manufacture cameras that are nearly identical. Which… Continue reading Moving beyond functionality to stand out

Avoiding a rebranding fiasco with the power of associations: the Tropicana case

Twelve years ago, Tropicana went through a 35-million dollar rebranding that made marketing history – but not in a good way.   Just one month after introducing their new packaging to supermarket shelves, the company had already lost 20 million dollars in missed sales. Amidst an unrelenting hail of criticism from angry customers on social… Continue reading Avoiding a rebranding fiasco with the power of associations: the Tropicana case

How spontaneous associations can help validate creative decisions

https://youtu.be/C3eFPwUEfgkYour intuition can tell you that certain concepts are more related to each other than others – but what if you could quantify those meaningful relationships to validate creative decisions?   This is not some futuristic notion. Thanks to our vast network of spontaneous associations, Mindspeller can help you evaluate how well specific words, images,… Continue reading How spontaneous associations can help validate creative decisions

Overcoming traditional marketing weaknesses with human-centric AI

Marketeers generally resort to opinion questionnaires to measure brand perception.1 But did you know that traditional surveys do not always reveal the respondent’s true preferences?2 Similarly, the line of questioning in focus interviews can influence the respondent.3 The truth is that traditional methods do not tell the whole story. In fact, consumer neuroscience teaches us… Continue reading Overcoming traditional marketing weaknesses with human-centric AI

Artificially Intelligent DAM* Search?

*Digital Asset Management At the beginning of February, I presented a webinar (hosted by DAM leader Capture) on how neuroscience can help reveal implicit associations of digital assets. One of the takeaways of the ensuing Q&A session was that semantic distance calculations can make digital asset searching and retrieval more intuitive. Such calculations require a… Continue reading Artificially Intelligent DAM* Search?

Help your team fight the New Year Blues with simple communication tips

2021 is finally here, but the post-holiday period doesn’t only bring good tidings. Employee engagement tends to plunge in January because of the New Year Blues, jeopardizing productivity and customer service. This year, with the pandemic still raging, things may get even worse. Understanding why low or lack of engagement happens is the first step… Continue reading Help your team fight the New Year Blues with simple communication tips